Nurture Your Nature

Find relief from anxiety, more awe and joy, and more control in your daily life using nature as a guide

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About Emily / Moss Talon

Hi! I’m Emily.

I’m the curator of this site and your guide through the various blogs, courses, and experiences. My personal background includes being a musician, artist, writer and awed admirer of nature. My professional background is as a leadership coach, organizational development consultant, and facilitator for various group experiences. Moss Talon brings these things together in a way that gives me immense joy. Thank you for being a part of it.

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About Moss Talon & Nurture Your Nature

Nature is a guide, and can help us relieve our anxiety and stress, and learn deep lessons about ourselves.

I believe most of the experiences and struggles we have as humans exist in nature in simple, powerful, and sometimes brutal forms. Learning to look, listen, and explore holds the keys to each of us living a better, fuller life. Moss Talon was created as a hub for these lessons. Nurture Your Nature is the full, experiential program that is soon available to all of you.

And just to be clear, you don’t have to live in an area that is surrounded by spectacular natural areas to reap these benefits. Whether it’s taking the time to bask in the vastness of the sky or bending down to feel a connection to an earthworm, you have access to these lessons no matter where you live. This site can be your guide.